Hello everyone:
I do hope everyone is in the Christmas spirit and have things pretty much in control for the Holiday season. Times flies by fairly quickly these days and it seems like only a blink since Christmas 2009.
There is not much news to report on this area of the Rock. We are still up to our normal things - work and more work it seems. Well for Gladys at least as she is working all the time. I didn't get called back this fall as there isn't much winter and business is slow. We'll see what happens after Christmas. So I go for a walk for an hour or so each day to try to stay in shape. So far the fall the weather has been great with temperatures a lot warmer than normal. We haven't had any snow here yet - knock on wood - and there isn't any in the forecast for the next couple of weeks. So it's looking like a green Christmas in Marystown this year.
Cheryl is coming home for Christmas on December 23 and flies back to Toronto on January 3. She has never missed a Christmas at home so we always look forward to her coming. As well her boyfriend Greg is coming for a few days on December 28. He is from the Toronto area (Ottawa originally, I believe) and since this is his first trip to Newfoundlad there is a screech-in planned for sometime during his visit. He may be a bit overwhelmed with all the Staceys and Brennans, eh!
Mom is doing fairly well, I suppose. She was diagnosed with diabetes a little while ago as her sugar levels were up a fair bit. Dr. Roberts put her on a pill to help control it and in about three weeks her sugars have gone from the 12's and 13's to the 7's. Hopefully those pills will keep it under control. Diet would probably control it but it's hard to get her to eat the right things. Add to that her not being willing to do what has been asked of her sure has made the last while very difficult for those around her. She doesn't appreciate how good she has it. And she doesn't have much good to say about Joan and Bernadette - the two people who are always there for her. If you are talking to her please make mention of that and hopefully we can make her see that. Everybody has a life of their own and she can be very demanding and unappreciative of the efforts being made on her behalf.
On a more positive note let's see if we can make Christmas for the Stacey clan a little closer. I would like to do an entry on Christmas trees we have up this year and include those from everyone on my list from Marystown, NL to Victoria, BC and all points in between. So I am asking you all to take out your cell phones or digital cameras and send me a photo of your Christmas tree to post here. Let's see how many we can get there! I will check out a list of places on my list and see if we can fill them all in.
Thanks for doing this and I look forward to getting some photos of family and pets to post here as well. You know I will be posting some photos.
So to one and all a very Merry Christmas and all the best for the New Year 2011.