Monday, April 4, 2011

Mom's 88th Birthday

Hi everyone:
Just a note to send along a few photos I took at a little get together we held at Joan's house yesterday to celebrate Mom's 88th birthday. Joan cooked a delicious jiggs dinner to go along with two birthday cakes (white and chocolate) and some bakeapple jam tarts. We all ate too much but had a good time.
From the photos you can see that along with Gladys and myself were Joan and Tyler, Bernadette, Boyd and Therese. As well Bernie and Ron Strickland were down from Allan's Island too. Bernie is mom's niece.
As well we found out while having supper that Tyler has been offered an entrance Scholarship to Memorial University for fall semester to do engineering. Congratulations Tyler and good luck. By the way he is doing great in his last year of school and should be successful at MUN. Cheers!
Other than that not much news here except for all the birthdays so far this month with one more to come on Thursday. Bernadette's is on April 7th.
I would be remiss if I didn't mention today that Kevin who lives in Moncton but is in Toronto today on business meetings turns the big 60 today. Happy Birthday brother and many happy returns.
Take care. Stay in touch.