Hi there:
We've had quite a busy week with most of the crowd home to help mom celebrate her 90th birthday. There is only Pat, Evelyn and Lucy left here on the Rock now. Pat and Evelyn leaves for St. John's on Wednesday while Lucy leaves next Sunday.
For mom's birthday we all went to Wong's Palace Restaurant for dinner. Along with our own family, mom's two nieces Maureen and Bernie along with their spouses George and Ron came along to join in the festivities. After dinner we came back to our house to finish out the celebration.
We had an Open House for mother at our house on Saturday April 6 from 2:00 - 5:00pm which was well attended. I'll post to that later.
A special thanks to all who came from away to celebrate and to all of you who sent along birthday wishes, phoned or contacted mom during the past week. She very much appreciated it all and seemed a little overwhelmed at times.
Enjoy the photos and stay in touch.
Mom with 9 of 11 children.
Mom with the boys. L to R: Gerard, Kevin, Barry, Junior, Bob, Pat
Mom with girls. L to R: Bernadette, Joan, Lucy.
Mom with Evelyn and Pat.
Lucy and Mom.
Christopher and Junior with Mom.
Diane and Kevin with Mom.
Gladys and Barry with Mom.
Boyd and Bernadette with Mom.
Joan, Tyler and Terry King with Mom.
Mom with Bob. His first visit home in 10 years.
Gerard with Mom.
Gayanne, Robert and and Grandson Terry King with Mom.
Grandson Colin Stacey along with his girlfriend Rhonda with Mom.
Grandson Tyler King with Mom.
George and Maureen Power with Mom.
Ron and Bernie Strickland with Mom.
Some people should not drink! :-)
Part of the gathering at Wong's.
Smoke break time I believe!
Enjoying a few laughs before dinner.
Here's how to keep the boys from being bored!
Looks a bit serious eh!
Now there's a couple of great smiles.