Hi everyone:
As you know whenever someone comes to our province for the first time we have to screech him in so that he can become an honorary Newfoundlander.
The very sanctimonious ceremony includes doing each of the following tasks:
1. Sing like a Newfie: one verse of I'se d'Boy
2. Talk like a Newfie: answer a simple question in Newfanese
3. Eat like a Newfie: eat some Newfie steak - baloney
4. Drink like a Newfie: drink some of our famous screech
5. Dubbed on both shoulders with an oar
6. Presented with Honorary Certificate.
We can say that Greg passed all requirements, however, he did struggle with the talking section of the ceremony but was given a passing grade by the majority of those present.
The video evidence is pictured below and you can see from the photographs that the yellow sou'wester played a big part in the ceremony. As you can tell he was quite taken with it and I'm sure he will use it when he goes sailing this summer on Lake Ontario.
Also you can see from the last three photos in this post that a drink of screech or other liquor will make one do things they don't usually do. Notice our two mothers with drinks in hand, eh!! As well after the ceremony others wanted their photo taken with King Cod's brother Tom!!
Do enjoy!
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