Sunday, December 5, 2021

Christmas Trees 2021

Hi all:

I do hope that you have all had a happy and healthy 2021. As we approached the Christmas season I have decided to do the Christmas tree posting again. I haven't sent out any requests for photos but a couple of people have told me they were going to send along photos of their tree so this is a start.

In August we lost my brother Pat's wife Evelyn who loved everything that was a cause for celebration. She loved the photos of the trees last year and I'm sure she would feel the same this year. Condolences to our brother Pat as well as his and Evelyn's families as I'm sure there will be a few sad moments for them all during this holiday season. Remember the good times and all the kinds words Evelyn had for everyone. 

Brian & Josie

So first off the mark with trees is my brother Brian and his wife Josie from Brampton, ON. There a couple of photos here - one of their beautiful decorated tree and one of a lovely decoration with a photo of Cheryl that stands front and centre.

Marg & Pad

This tree is compliments of Gladys's sister Marg and husband Pad in Burin.

Tish and Darren

This photo is of the decorated playground in Dildo where the playground committee as a fund raiser sold candy canes in honour of family members who have passed away. Tish and Darren had candles lit in honour of our Cheryl and their brother Terry Brennan.

Barry & Gladys

Gladys did her masterful job as always decorating our tree. Each ornament goes on with care as she knows where each originated and they all are special. Here's a photo of the tree along with a closeup of the ornament with Cheryl's picture along with an Oiler mummer.

Paddy & Alison

This beautifully decorated tree belongs to Gladys's nephew Paddy, his wife Alison and children Liam, Jack & Cheyenne who live in Burin. As well the second photo shows the tree at their restaurant The Monkey's Fist at Smuggler's Cove. Besides the lovely tree take notice wood stove and oven as well as the rocking chair -it represents what you would have seen in a Newfoundland home many years ago. Very nice.

Mrs. Brennan

This tree belongs to Gladys's mother Annie who is still going strong at 91 and loves having her tree up and decorated with many precious ornaments. Thanks to Penny and Gladys for helping out.

Maria, Ben, Matteo & Naia

This lovely tree belongs to our friend Maria, her husband Ben and children Matteo & Naia in Toronto. There is also a photo of Naia with the tree which she decorated.

Therese, Neil, Isabella & Anderson

This lovely tree belongs to my niece Therese, her husband Neil as well as their two children Isabella and Anderson. Below is a photo showing Isabella & Anderson in front of their tree as well as a photo of their ornament with Cheryl's picture on it.

Lisa, Franz, Ella & Luke

This photo is from Cheryl's high school friend Lisa, her husband Franz as well as children Ella & Luke of Toronto who are spending Christmas at their cottage on Woods Bay Lake north of the city. Things are looking up for them as they spent the last 3 days without power meaning they had to bring water from the Lake to keep going. Ah, Lisa I'm sure your mother and her family could sympathize with you having experienced similar situations growing up on Allan's Island, Newfoundland. Enjoy your break from the fast paced life of the big city.

Penny, Linden, Kevin & Karen

This lovely tree belongs to Gladys's sister Penny, her husband Linden and children Kevin & Karen who are home for Christmas having spent the last semester at Memorial University continuing their studies - Kevin in 4th year and Karen in her second year.

Michelle, Danny, Maya & Theo

Cheryl's good friends Michelle & Danny's and their two children Maya & Theo of Toronto own this lovely tree. It looks like there was nobody on the naughty list at their home this year as Santa was pretty generous. The second photo show Maya and Theo standing in front of their tree


Krista, Wince & Lucus

This lovely tree belongs to Gladys's niece Krista, her partner Wince and son Lucus in St. John's. This year Krista hosted Christmas dinner at her house along with her brothers Evan and Tommy. Things got pretty hectic at times but as Krista says "in the Merriest of ways!" Glad that things went well and you all had a great dinner together.

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