Tuesday, January 19, 2016

St. Joseph's Oratory Montreal

Hi there:

During our recent visit to Montreal from January 13 - 16 Gladys and I visited the famous shrine at St. Joseph's Oratory of Mount Royal. While there we toured throughout the magnificent building and attended 12:15 Mass which was held in the Crypt Church.

One of the famous people associated with St. Joseph's is Saint Brother Andre who was canonized in 2010. There is a small chapel as well as a museum related to Brother Andre there as well.

Below are some photos we took during our visit there.

 St. Joseph's view of the front taken from opposite side of the street.

  St. Joseph's view from the side of the church.

 Closeup view of the front.

 Picture of St. Joseph inside the building.

 Wall display showing the areas to visit. 

 Gladys checking out the info on the wall.

 Main altar and pews.

  Main altar and pews from a different angle.

 Pipe organ in the back of the church.

 Another view of the pipe organ in the back of the church.

 Smaller chapel off to the side.

 Another view of the smaller chapel off to the side.

 Crypt Church where we attended mass.

 Crypt Church pipe organ.

 Brother Andre's Chapel.

 Altar inside Brother Andre's Chapel.

 Some of the crutches left inside the chapel.

 The altar where you can see some coins on the floor.

 Brother Andre's tomb.

 Statue of St. Joseph.

 One of the stained glass windows.

 Waiting area on the second floor. Notice the escalators which are used here.
This is a more modern church which is made to accommodate visitors.

 Gladys checking out the museum.

 Gladys outside on the balcony.

Barry outside on the balcony showing off his Habs mitts.

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