Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tyler's 16th Birthday

Hi all:

Just a note to let you know that Tyler King celebrated his 16th birthday, today, April 15. A few of us got together for supper to join him in his celebration. We took a few photos with him as well as with mother and Pat who is home for a visit now.

Also there is a couple of photos of Tracey and Leo's daughter, Emma, in Medicine Hat, who recently celebrated her 4th birthday.

Enjoy the photos and you can send Tyler birthday greetings at the following email address.

Enjoy the photos.
Hope all is well.


Saturday, April 4, 2009

Mother's 86th Birthday

Hi Everyone:
Just a little note to send a few photos taken during a little dinner we had yesterday for mom's 86th birthday. Gladys had the day off so she cooked a turkey along with a traditional jiggs dinner with all the fixings. It was quite a feast including three puddings - a peas pudding, raisin pudding and our traditional boiled pudding. It was quite delicious if I may add.
Pat was home along with Pamela, Danny, Devon and Catherine as well as Randy. Besides our guest of honour and ourselves, Boyd, Tyler and Alv were here. We took some photos and there are few below we would like to share with you all.
It was nice talking to most of you over the last few days and Mom was pleased to hear from you too. If possible, give her a call anytime as she likes to tell us about talking to whomever when we visit.