Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Christmas in Toronto

Hey there:
      The following photos were taken either Christmas Eve at Greg's and Christmas morning at Greg's place in Oakville. From these photos you can see that we were enjoying getting ready for Santa as well as enjoying the moment on Christmas Day.
      As you can see from these photos everyone was having a good time. Nicole came to visit us during the afternoon on Christmas Eve as she spent Christmas with her mom in Oakville.
Before Santa arrived!

 Santa Seems to be here!
 Staceys relaxing on Christmas Eve.

Nicole joins us on Christmas Eve.

Greg always seems to be in the kitchen!

 Looks like a nice bottle of wine!

Sarah and Chelsea opening a gift on Christmas Eve!

I Like it!

 Father and daughter after church on Christmas Eve!

Wow! It's morning already!

I think they like Santa!

Friends will love this shirt at school!

Too much chocolate!!

What ya got there!!

 Suits him to a tee!

 Sarah and Chelsea with us on Christmas Eve.

Nan Brennan's bread is a hit everywhere!

 Great Brunch there Greg! See Nan Brennan's bread!

Chelsea still has some energy left!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Christmas Party - Toronto - December 29, 2012

Hi there:
     On December 29 we held a get together in the Social Room of Cheryl's building where all the Staceys in the Toronto area got together to celebrate along with some of Greg's family and Cheryl's friends.
     A few people notably Greg, his dad Gib and his brother-in-law Loren were not able to make due to a bout of the flu. Christine's boys were working that day and couldn't attend. 
     Greg's mom Lorraine and his sister Christine along with his daughters, Sarah and Chelsea were able to make it. As well Cheryl's friend, Nicole along with her Aunt Rosalie and cousin Joey came along to enjoy the goodies. Cheryl's long time friend, Maria Kennedy came with her two children, Matteo and Naia.  Having met Cheryl's friends Dale Seymour and Julie Breen on previous occasions we were happy that this time they brought along their parents. Dale's parents, Dan and Sadie , who are from central NL had a good time and enjoyed some goodies from the Rock along with some conversations about home. As well Julie's parents John and Carol enjoyed the good old Newfoundland hospitality and the food as well. They tried cod nuggets, moose, wrinkles, bakeapples, etc. for the first time and enjoyed it all. 
     Below are some photos taken by Sarah and Chelsea throughout the afternoon and you can see the smiles all around.
     I will get around to posting some photos of the rest of our trip over the next few days.

Stacey Clan with Christine and Lorraine

Stacey Clan

Cheryl with high school friend Maria Kennedy

Dale Seymour with parents Sadie and Dan.

Cheryl and Gladys with Julie Breen and parents John and Carol.

L to R: Matteo, Sarah, Chelsea, and Naia

Joey, Nicole, Rosalie , Gladys

Nicole and Maria

Nicole and Dale

Maria and Gladys

Josie and Barry

Brian, Josie and Alex

Cheryl, Matteo and Bob

Lorraine, Christine and Gladys

Evelyn, Nora and Lucy

Barry, Gladys and Julie Breen

Junior, Brian and Josie

Bob and Cheryl

Gladys, Barry, Lucy

Pat and Cheryl

Brian and Josie

Barry and Bob

Nora, Barry, Junior and Gladys

Josie, Alex and Julie

Gladys, Nora and Barry

Pat, Evelyn and Barry

Bob and Nicole

Barry and Junior

Evelyn, Lucy and Josie

Brian and Barry


Pat showing Nicole the proper way to eat shrimp.

Relaxing enjoying the company

Barry, Cheryl, Dan, Sadie, Nicole

Christine, Lorraine, Evelyn

More Conversation.

Where are all the guys?


Joey, Cheryl, Rosalie

Matteo, Sarah, Josie, Naia, Chelsea

Sarah and Cheryl

Nicole, Gladys, Cheryl and Barry